Today I am proud to release the cover of my fifth and next book to publish, Work-Life Bloom: How to Nurture a Team That Flourishes.
Why the title, subtitle, and use of sprouting flowers out of the necks of innocent people?
Throughout the span of your career and that of the people you might be privileged to lead, one fact often overlooked yet hidden in plain sight will forever be omnipresent.
Work and life are both complementary and contradictory forces to one another.
In broader terms, several factors permit or prohibit people from thriving at work. The same is true for their lives. Thus, the relationship between work and life is critical. Yet, far too often, we kid ourselves and claim, "Work is a part of my life; it's not a separate thing. I simply need better work-life balance."
We must stop deluding ourselves; work and life are not the same, and there is no such thing as work-life balance. That is obstacle number one to overcome, especially if you are leading a team. In parallel, leaders cannot create situations where team members believe they must put on a daily mask and act like somebody they're not when at work.
As the situation dictates, several aspects of work and life affect people. It's a given. In some cases, these elements—which I refer to as work-life factors in the book—will have an impact simultaneously.
In Work-Life Bloom, I ask you right up front to imagine yourself and every team member of yours being the gardener of a personal garden box. It's a metaphor!
It stands to reason that certain work-life factors will determine if someone's garden grows or not, whether they're feeling great or not-so-great. Likewise, the factors can help to explain why certain people are effortlessly growing great crops (hint: blooming), while others seem to be operating at levels that might feel a bit wilting.
Throughout my global research for this book, I discovered there are 12 unique yet surprisingly simple work-life factors that help to explain how people show up at work and in life. I argue throughout the book that you must become fully aware of these 12 factors, for they affect every team member.
If you want people to bloom and to genuinely nurture a team that flourishes, you will understand and employ these 12 work-life factors.
Don't you want people to grow beautiful flowers out of their necks?
I may be biased, but Work-Life Bloom is a thought-provoking and empowering book that will inspire leaders to take a fresh look at the integration of work and life. It is a must-read for anyone looking to improve their overall success as a leader. My global research, practical solutions, and vivid writing make this book an invaluable resource for individuals and organizations alike.
Let's bloom, people! It's time to get digging.
Pre-orders now available. Amazon | Porchlight | Apple | Book Depository | Barnes & Noble | others coming soon
Publishing in October 2023. Watch the one-minute book trailer below. Or, visit the book's micro-site for more information. 🌸