Those people have shuttered themselves to a truly collaborative experience. Virtual worlds are not time-wasting mechanisms when introduced properly into your organization. Virtual worlds are wonderful and complementary to your collaboration technology strategy. There is no excuse. An organization can utilize it for pretty much any endeavour that warrants employees talking, working and collaborating with other employees โฆ not to mention with partners and customers. What exactly are you afraid of?"Our people would never use it."
"I don't get it."
"Why would we go into a virtual world when we can be face to face?"
"It's like Xbox and I don't like video games."
"It's not serious. We need serious tools to do work."
"But we like to use the phone."
"Headsets aren't cool."
"It takes too long to figure out."
"My avatar doesn't look like me, how will people recognize who I am?"
"I prefer sending PowerPoint files by email."