I thought I'd make use of the Jetpack statistics function that comes with my WordPress installation of this site to determine what terms people entered into a search engine over the past year that brought them directly to danpontefract.com
First of all, I suppose I should thank Mark Zuckerberg for coming up with the term '
Second of all, I suppose I should have written a book about '
facebook' and called it
"Flat Facebook: How To Get More Hits To Your Website".
The graphic below illustrates the top 30 terms used in various search engines like Duck Duck Go, Yahoo! (do they still use the exclamation mark?), Bing ... oh, and something called Google.
Click to enlarge.

The total number of search engine referrals is 136,003. If I look at the entire list (you can too by
viewing this PDF file) I reckon 40% of the searches have some version of the term '
facebook' as an entry point into this site.
So, be forewarned ... for the rest of 2013, every post will now have the term "
facebook" in it and not "
Flat Army".
Note this isn't the total number of visits to the site, simply the entry point from a search engine search term. I've got a brother and a sister that must visit this site roughly 500 times/day each to find out what the heck I'm doing in my life and to help pad the overall visitor stats.